Microwave Mug Cakes!?!

Coolest video ever! Must watch and try this! It worked for me! Also in the video’s description box online is the full recipe. Here’ s the link to copy and paste: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8MscAxRx6Zo


I made some with my friend Mallory. Her blog is:


This is a picture of how they turned out!⬇️




See you next time…😊👋🏻👍🏻❤️

Seattle Gum Wall!??

I was on a news website the other day and heard about the Seattle Gum Wall. I heard that they have decided to take it down, sanitary reasons? I get that the city is trying to be sanitary, but the Seattle Gum Wall is a tourist attraction! And personally I think it looks really cool!⬇️


The Mayor said that even though they would take the Gum Wall down, in a couple of days people were just going to put more gum back up! So hopefully I will visit the Gum Wall some day. And the gum will still be piled up. Also what was super cool about the article, is that is says, if you walk through the Gum Wall’s alley then you can smell mint from the gum on the wall! The website I went on was: newsela.com


See you next time…👋🏻😉


The Royal Frog Family

Hi guys! This is a little creative story I whipped up! It’s a parody of what happened before the fairy tale came along, The Frog Prince. Enjoy!


The Royal Frog Family

Not long ago, meaning yesterday, Princess Penelope (pronounced penny – lope) was tired of playing with the pure gold balls her father gave her. She decided that even though her father was allergic to rubber, she would sneak into her neighbor’s yard, and take one of their regular rubber balls.
One night Princess Penelope snuck out of her window and hopped the fence into her neighbor’s yard. But unfortunately she tripped over a rock, and tumbled down a well. When she got to the bottom she luckily didn’t die, she lay there unconscious. “Croak!” Startled she opened her eyes. There sat on her forehead a fat frog with warts planted on its back.
“Yuck!!!!” Penelope yelled. She punched the frog, but missed punching her forehead. “Owe!” She rubbed the spot.

“Hello Princess!” The frog exclaimed.
“What? No. I am hallucinating. A frog can’t talk!” She screamed then punched the frog once more.
“Ow!” said the frog.
The Princess continued to scream…
“Could you please you be quiet? I am getting so sick of people screaming their heads off every time they hear me! Humans can talk so why is it so amazing when a frog does! And it always ends in injuries. ” The frog said.
“How can you talk?” She asked him.
“I was born this way! Ok, actually a witch possessed me after I stole her magic staff.” He answered back.
“What’s your name.” She asked him.
“Frog.” He answered.
“WOW so ironic!” She joked. “Could you get me out of this well?” She asked.
“No! How could I? Hop you back up?” He laughed.
“Well, I dunno, do something!” She started to get mad at Frog.
“Oh, right, I actually am a magical frog, sorry I forgot… I can get you back up but of course you will have to do something for me in return.”
“What?” She said curiously.
“Give me your father’s crown, your house, and all your clothes, food, and money.” He said.
“No way I’d rath-” Penelope started.
“Ok then I won’t get you out of this well.” He bargained.
“Fine, but first you have to do my end of the bargain.” Penelope said.
“Ok, HELP, HELP ME, HEELLP!!!!!!” The frog screamed.
“Who’s there?” Mr. Barley asked. Mr. Barley was house sitting for Penelope’s neighbors.
“IN THE WELL!!!”Frog yelled.

Mr. Barley cautiously gazed down into the well. He saw nothing but inky darkness, but he thought someone inside might be trapped.
“Is someone down there?” He called
“YES IT’S ME PRINCESS PENELOPE.” Frog called back up.
“Frog I thought you were going to get me out of here by magic not screaming!” Penelope said to Frog.
“Should I call the fire department?” Mr. Barley asked.
“Uh yah!” Penelope said.
“Wait who is this?” Asked Mr. Barley.
“The actual Princess Penelope! Get me out of here!!!”
“What does she mean?” Thought Mr.Barley, but he decided to call the fire department either way.

After the fire department took Penelope out of the well, she ran back to her house, and threw herself under the covers. She slept peacefully until she felt something slimy beside her cheek…
“What is this?” She opened her eyes to slime covering her pillow. “Yuck!” She sat up because she heard her shower on. She slowly creeped over the shag rug until she came to the bathroom door.
“One, two, three.” She opened up the door and there sat the wart-covered frog using her shower and slurping her bubblegum flavored bath soap.
“Ahh! Gross, gross, gross!!!” The princess took a bath sponge and beat the frog with it.
“You know that a bath sponge can’t really- ow ow ow!!! Would you please stop hurting me! You already know I can talk!” He yelled.
“What are you doing here!”
“Taking my end of the deal. By the way just to warn you I sleep naked.” The frog hopped out of the bathroom and onto the white bed sheets.
“No!!! These are cashmere and imported from France!” She yelled
“Yah I can tell! Hey could you pass me that bath soap bottle. I hope you don’t mind but I am a midnight snacker- and also a midnight farter…” Frog said.
“No! Get out now!!!” She screamed
“Sorry but we made a deal, if you break it… Well, bad things will happen!”
“I want no part in this deal, and you broke our deal too by yelling for help instead of using your magic.” Penelope did not realize how stupid this sounded until in came out.
“No you just asked me to get you out. The rest was in your head. Goodnight.” The frog settled himself in the bed.
“This is going to be a long night!” Thought Princess Penelope.

The next morning Penelope woke up the earliest she ever had because her room was contaminated by awful smells… When she went into the kitchen the cabinets looked like they had been invaded by rats. “FROG!” She thought. She needed to have her family see this and they would be disgusted and kick him out! Her father hummed into the kitchen, and her brother went outside to practice fencing on the tree.
“Father!” She asked
“Yes?” He said back without looking up.
Penelope explained her situation, but told him that she was sleep walking, and not trying to steal a ball.
“Well it sounds like I should call the royal guards to get this frog kicked out.” The king said.
“Well he said there would be a consequence if I broke our bargain.”
“Did he say what the consequence was?” The king asked.
“Well it mustn’t be that bad then. What’s the most this frog can do?”
So the family kicked out Frog. He stayed quiet because he was excited to torment Penelope’s family.

The next day the royal family woke up. The rooms seemed larger and their skin as covered in warts and slime. The white bedsheets were ruined. The royal family had been turned into the royal frog family!

And they all lived happily ever after?

(The son was the one who later was the main character in “The Frog Prince.”)

My New Favorite Photo’s! Plus A New Website!

Hi people! Here are some of my favorite photos that are really just fun to look at (I didn’t take them). Also stay tuned till the end for information on my new fashion website! Photo’s:

image Alice through the looking glass…


Upside down wizard picture?


image  I love Paris!image  Reading under waves…image The crazy drop…

image Super Man squirrel!!!




So now that you’ve stayed tuned, I have started my own fashion website for my company I started when I was five! Here’s the link (copy and paste) but I hadn’t posted anything YET: https://eyelookfashion.wordpress.com


See see you next time… 🙂 😉


Hi if anyone that I don’t know and is interested,

BE MY PEN PAL(or email pal). If I don’t know you personally then contact me via email (no spams!) Comment down below with your email, I will comment back with mine! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 😊

So anyways, if you feel like having a pen pal, contact me!

Upstart Crow My New Favorite Store!!!

Hi guys! I recently went to down town for the day! I went to this super cool shop Upstart Crow! It’s a book store, coffee shop, nick-nack shop, accessory shop… It’s an everything shop! Here is a pick online I found of it:



This is just the main room. It was so cool because some of the tables were huge checker games, you could sit there and play checkers with someone (kind of stating the obvious).


This picture I took. It’s crooked though so you can just tilt your head. This was a HUGE set up of paris nick-nacks, books, journals. I was in heaven. If you didn’t know, I am obsessed with Paris. I have 3 paris T-shirts, posters, and journals! I tried to save up for a trip to Paris once but I only got to 10.00 then quit. My friends to this day still mock me of it!


Not much to say about this–besides it’s a really cute pillow!I am definitely going to make this but most likely I’ll just ask for it for my b-day.


This is a really cool picture. I liked it because it reminded me of pop art and I’ve been really into that lately.


Once again this pic is crooked 🙁 But what this picture is of is these really cute vintage monthly calendars. Next year I am definitely going to get one of those!


Here’s another cute pillow I found that I thought would look really cute on my bed.


This is a photo of soap on a string. I am definitely going to try this at home!


This is another craft I’m going to try. It’s little furniture made out of yarn and thick wire.



This is a purse that has a super cool mosaic collage on the front. I think I’ll be able to try this with a plain purse and Modge Podge.




At the end of this fun adventure my dad purchased this super cool book for me! I’ve been loving it, and I’ll be sure to write a review on it!


See you next time… :p


Upcoming Events!


Going to the Modern Art Museum…






Going to the opera…





Also I know it’s late but here is a popplet of my New Years resolutions!





What it says is:

-go to the snow

-get homework done on time

-go to modern art museum

-read one book every week

-visit upstart crow

-blog every week

-wake up get ready on time

-put up website for Eye Look! Start your company!

-make craft from long term

-up cycle and make new creations

-keep learning French

-sell old iPod


See you next time….😘😏❤️









Happy Week?

Hi guys! Happy week? Not that great of a holiday, but I will always do my weekly blog posts! In my performing arts class we are making ceral commercials. We have to home up with a name for a new ceral. Ours is  Beard’os! Here is the front cover of our ceral box! ⬇️



I made a  jingle for our commercial: you wanna be a man lady, well don’t be shady, and don’t change your name to Brady, eat some BEARD’os! I want facial hair now!

In the commercial were supposed to be “valley girls” which means neon, and scrunchies! Also ending after every sentence with a question. Like omg this ceral is like so awesome?

Anyways see you next time…. 😏😘👋🏻

MERRY CHRISTMAS! (a little late… ;)

Merry Christmas! I know it’s a little late, I’ve just had “a lot on my plate” recently! Anyways, my Christmas was a lot of fun! I got: an iphone 5c, boots from Roxy, a coat from the Gap (still shipping), amazon gift cards, $money$, a subscription to Birch Box, and a lot of super cute beauty related items in my stocking. Yesterday I went shopping with the Christmas money I got, with my friend Lily. I splurged (spent everything) and now my money is all gone :(. But what can I say! There were really good deals at Lush, they had a buy one get one free. So I got four items for the price of two, which was 17$. Okay, enough about my spending habits…

I went to see the movie, Star Wars the day after Christmas with my aunt, uncle, cousin, and the rest of my family. The Star Wars movie was OK. I say this because it made no sense, and it was really predictable. I am a very logical person, so how the movie was to me. ATTENTION READ NO FURTHER IF YOU DON’T WANT SPOILERS TO THE STAR WARS MOVIE! SKIP TO THIRD PARAGRAPH! What got me super mad was at the end when Rey was about to kill the evil guy she didn’t and left. My mom was telling me that it was because Jedi’s can’t kill people because there good? Then I argued that that was stupid because Rey killed Storm Troupers throughout the WHOLE movie. Then Rey blew up the whole planet? I know the only reason that the people who made Star Wars decided that Rey wouldn’t kill the bad guy, is because the want a sequel so they could make billions when that evil guy returns. So that was MY take on the Star Wars movie.


Overall I had a very fun Christmas! After watching the Star Wars movie we went around the mall and I went to Tiffiany & Co. I was thinking about going up to a person in the store, and asking them if they served breakfast all day! Because of the movie Breakfast At Tiffiany’s! Haha puns…


See you next time…..:p



Our Christmas & Christmas Eve Traditions

Traditions old and new for my family:

1. Lip sync battle!

2. Having my aunt, uncle, and cousin over!

3. Watching a cheesey Christmas movie! (that’s always the best)

4. Opening the present my aunt and uncle have for me!

5. On Christmas Eve handing out pamphlets at church.


Before I wrap this up I have three questions for you:

1. Any traditions old or new???

2. If you did a lip synch battle what song would you choose?

3. And did you know that if you mix around the letters in Santa it spells SATAN!!! Creepy…




See you next time… 😛 HAVE A happy or merry Christmas Eve!